Thursday, May 21, 2020

Accelerated Dragon #4

Ideas in the Accelerated Dragon

Idea #4  -  If White doesn't prevent it, play 8...d5

As we saw in the post,  Accelerated Dragon #1, Black wants to play the d-pawn to d5 in one move.  When Black is able to do this, he generally equalizes.  And this move throws a wet blanket on White's plans for a Yugoslav Attack, or Classical Dragon.

As we saw in the post, Accelerated Dragon #2,  Black's first 7 moves are usually the same.  So move 8 is the right time to play ...d5.

Here is in interesting game where Black gets his way.

The next few posts will look at ways White tries to stop Black from playing ...d5.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Accelerated Dragon #3

Ideas in the Accelerated Dragon

Idea #3 -  Black's dark square bishop is a monster.

The moves 1...c5 and 2...Nc6 have softened up the central dark squares. Blacks bishop on g7 threatens to run amok on the a1 to h8 diagonal. White must always be on the lookout for discovered attacks when Black moves the f6 knight.

White would like to trade off Black's dangerous bishop. Plans with Qd2 and Bh6 are common, as is Nxc5 and Bd4. Unfortunately for White, these plans are usually 1 move too slow.

Black wants to avoid trading off his valuable bishop, unless he gets something substantial for it. This would be something like:
  • Win of material.
  • Double White's pawns on the half open c-file, especially if it exposes White's king after castling queenside
  • Transition into a better endgame.

Black would especially like to trade one of his knights for White's dark square bishop. Then the monster on g8 will rule the dark squares unopposed.

Here is an example showing all these ideas.  Note: this does not represent best play by White, but all the moves seem plausible and often happen in amateur play.