Saturday, July 18, 2020

Accelerated Dragon #6

Ideas in the Accelerated Dragon

Idea #6  -  White's main line with 7.Bc4 and 8.Bb3

As we saw in Idea #5, this line is probably White's last chance to try for a Yugoslav Attack.
The moves up to this point:

1. e4        c5
2. Nf3     Nc6
3. d4       cxd4
4. Nxd4  g6
5. Nc3    Bg7
6. Be3    Nf6
7. Bc4    0-0
8. Bb3    

Idea 4 in that post recommended the move 8...a5.  This was based on the pattern of white having a minor piece on b3 (so ...a4 would be a threat).  This move also gives the rook a potential entry via a6.

If White ignores the threat and plays something like 9.0-0, then the e-pawn will fall after 9...a4.

White can try to stop ...a4 by playing 9.a4 first.  This means that if the Bishop on b3 is ever traded, White will have to recapture with the c-pawn.  So Black can play 9...Ng4, knowing that after 10.Qxg4 the move 10...Nxd4 will threaten discovered check against the white queen, and one of White's bishop will be traded for the knight.

So at move 9,  White's main line is 9.f3

Now black finally gets to play 9...d5in one move which has always been the objective.

Here, White's hopes for a Yugoslav Attack are crushed.  It would be too risky to try to castle queen side and advance king side pawns when Black can open the center and the a-pawn advancing is a nasty threat.

If White captures with the e-pawn,  Black will play ...Nb4 and will eventually get the pawn back.

Note:  It would be a mistake for White to take first on d5 with knight and then with Bishop.  Black would then take twice on d4, leaving the white queen on d4.  Now the white bishop is pinned.

Here is an interesting game that shows a lot of Black's ideas.

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