Monday, January 19, 2015

How to Lose at Chess - Checkmate Patterns

Checkmate Patterns

Pattern recognition is an important skill for losing at chess.  The following examples show checkmate patterns that you can try to emulate in your games.  Let us hope your opponent knows these patterns too.

Back Rank Mate

The most common mating pattern occurs when one player leaves the back rank unprotected, and the king has no escape square.

In the diagram below:  White to move wins with 1.Qa8#

If you have the white pieces a good way to lose is to make a useless move with your queen, such as 1...Qa7.   Then Black wins using the back rank mate pattern with 2...Rd1#.

Damiano's Mate

This partial diagram shows the final position of Damiano's mate. 

If Black could reach the next position, White could force checkmate in 5 moves.  (Hint:  Eliminate the rooks with check to get the queen on the h-file.)

If you have the white pieces, you can lose by making a useless move such as 1.Rh2 allowing Black to mate you using Damiano's mate.

Anastasia's Mate

This partial diagram shows the final position of Anastasia's mate.

The following position comes from the novel Anastasia and Chess by W. Heinse in 1803.  From this position, White would be able to force mate in 3 moves.

Boden's Mate

This partial diagram shows the final position of Boden's mate.

If Black could reach the following position, White could force mate in 2 moves.

You should try to create positions like this where your opponent can sacrifice a piece to expose your king.

Smother Mate

This partial diagram shows the final position of a smother mate.

If Black could reach the following position, White could force mate in 5 moves.

I will leave it as an exercise for the reader to find a move for White that would allow a back rank checkmate.

How to Lose at Chess - Introduction

How to Lose at Chess - Losing by Checkmate

1 comment:

  1. Hey, my blog actually helped someone. Christie Nolan won this game with a pretty Boden's Mate
